Awards for Design:
National KCACTF Award for Sound Design for "Almost Maine" (Region VIII, 2016)
Honorable Mention for Sound Design and Composition for "Almost Maine" (National KCACTF Festival, 2016)
Almost, Maine by John Cariani
Directed by Mandie Wood Harris
One Act Play Festival
Weber State University
Spring 2015
Sound Designer
(Under the Name Lydia Pearce)
Director's Concept: "Almost, Maine is a series of vignettes based on the lives of a small town in Maine called Almost. Throughout the script, there is a through-line of Ginette and Pete, with their story playing as bookends of the show."
Designer's Concept: "Almost, Maine is a set of stories of individuals brought together during an Aurora. Their experiences are each unique, but they have a connection to each other in this natural phenomena. The music will be different for each vignette depending on if they are finding new love or rekindling old, but all will be tied together with a mystical aurora."
Video Summary - Created for KCACTF National Festival
Music Sample